I loved this book. It was first written in 1952 by Barbanell who was very much in the forefront for Spiritualism. When we read, we are reading what we already know, and that is does not matter who you are or where ever you maybe you have the greatest connection to all that is and ever will be.
Nothing has really changed in life, life is still the same, lessons are still to be learnt, we have changed going from the simple life to life of material possessions and greed. We have created a life of stress and illness when realistically through this book we begin to understand the powers of the mind and thought. Today we know this but we do not do anything to correct it we just simple go down the same pathways without changing thought patterns, diets and lifestyle. We feel we need the material things in life to make us happier and to be the same as everyone else.
Back when this book was written there was a better relationship with doctors and religious leaders all working for the benefits of mankind and were more open to the natural way of life and simple beliefs,
In the chapter of Challenges, it states: WHY do some succeed and others fail? Why do some face life with confidence, ready to face life with confidence, ready to challenge, while others dread the coming of a new day? Why do some enjoy radiant health, while others do not know what it is to feel well?
These are not insoluble mysteries. There are intelligent answers to these vital questions. You can enjoy life once you understand the plan of existence. Yes, there is a plan. You can learn how to abolish fear, worry, anxiety, and how to satisfy ALL your needs. There is and infinite storehouse to which you can have access, and it has a limitless supply…..
Many of you have read and praised the book The Secret but the secret has been there for all eternity, it is in you, in each and every one of you if you unlock the source.
Healing mind body and spirit is where it all begins and ends. This is something that we all lack the belief in. Barbanell and others speak to us in this book about healing, healing the self through our beliefs. There are stories that show us throughout the pages of how Drs and Priests have used the tool of healing to help others to the point of building healing sanctuaries just like we are doing now. The difference here is that people actually used them on a regular basis. My thoughts have always been that we go to chiropractor, physiotherapist or counsellor and we attend many sessions weekly, monthly or when required but we do not do the same with natural methods. I ask myself why is this? I have yet to find the answer.
It is generally accepted that the cells of the body change every seven years. But YOU do not change every seven years. You stay with the same old patterns that we have been taught by grandparents and parents alike and we hand those patterns down to our children etc. It does not take a lot of energy to change patterns just time to see where it is and what we want in life. For many of us it is easy to stick to a victim mode as we feel it takes to much energy to become the survivor. Some of us even have to come close to death or losing everything we have to become aware that we only need ourselves as we are the most important thing on this planet. Everything is nothing if we do not have a life to experience.
Would I suggest this book as reading material for you? Most definitely it is a book that sits beside me so that I never forget who I am and why I am here and how I can make my life better every day in every way

Where There is a Will by Maurice Barbanell

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