We also believe as the Bible states that Jesus developed His psychic faculties and was a master of spiritual law. Moreover, he was in close contact with the spirit world and demonstrated his survival after his death. His teaching of brotherhood, love, humility and service is the basis of Spiritualism as we know it today.

We do not claim to know everything-no one does. Knowledge if infinite and we shall always be learning. What we do maintain is that we have caught a glimmer of truth. It inspires us to search for more, rejecting anything that does not appeal to our God-given reason and accepting that which is logical and uplifting.

What makes Spiritualism unique is the evidence of survival after death that is obtainable through mediumship. Whereas most religions preach an afterlife as hope, faith or belief, we maintain that any reasonable person can prove it for themselves.

We don’t ask you to believe what we say. What we do suggest is that you study the literature and then make your own inquiry.

There are several excellent books available and one I suggest is James Van Pragghs as he writes the way most of us see it

Enjoy your journey where ever it may lead you


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