We also believe as the Bible states that Jesus developed His psychic faculties and was a master of spiritual law. Moreover, he was in close contact with the spirit world and demonstrated his survival after his death. His teaching of
Heaven and hell are really states of mind, not geographical locations. Even here we live in heaven or hell, the choice is ours. The world we inhabit after death is not far away up in the sky. It is around
The Krystal Light Centre is a centre of learning and understanding the values of Spiritualism and therefore for those that may need to understand what we are about I will do some posts to help you know who we are
30th January 2023 Zoom workshop with Matthew Smith
Your Spiritual Journey – A Never Ending Search

We are all on a journey of finding ourselves and we never know how long that will take or where it will lead us… Who will join us on this journey or what the significance of the encounter will be.
Mediumship Explained
What is mediumship? Mediumship can be defined as follows: The process whereby a human instrument, known as a MEDIUM or CHANNEL, is used by one or more dis-incarnate, spirit personalities for: Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise. Causing so-called paranormal activities