Rockingham Centre

At the Krystal Light Centre Beverley Bryant offers the following services:
- Aura and Chakra Readings using the Biopulsar-Reflexograph® system
- Psychic/Medium readings with Beverley Bryant – one of WA’s most admired and accurate readers
- Crystal Bed Healing with St John of God Healing Crystal Bed – a truly amazing healing and balancing experience
- Ajna Light Healing Session – increase relaxation, meditation depth and open yourself up to creativity and new possibilities with an Ajna Light experience.
- Private sound Healing – Sound has an amazing power to heal through different frequencies and vibrations. Book in for a private sound healing journey and experience the profound difference it can make in your life.
- Reiki – Beverley is an accomplished Reiki master teacher and practitioner.
- Reflexology- Using different points within the feet Beverley bring balance and healing to the body mind and spirit.
Spiritual Development and Working Circles
These groups help you to discover and develop your own spiritual gifts and talents.
Contact Beverley if you are interested in attending a Spiritual development circle in your area.
Courses, Events and Retreats
Beverley and her support team offer many different courses, retreats and events throughout the year.
Check out the Events calendar here to see what’s coming up.
Hi Bev,
I just wanted to say I’ve been listening to the reading every day since the reading all bar today As I listen things have clicked and I recognise it was my Granddad who was the gentleman chatting and other things have fallen into place more so. I has certainly lifted me since so I just wanted to say a little thankyou.
My blinds, windows have been open and i got back down the beach like i used to
I would also like to book in for an aura imaging in the coming months
Mum and I had our aura photo taken and is was a really beautiful experience.
Absolutely loved it.
Bev explained everything so clearly.
I will definitely be back next time she is in Collie
Sammi French
Trance Mediumship weekend
I received a lot out of this weekend during this workshop and I realized you never stop learning
Fiona Russell
Trance mediumship weekend
Very pleased to come to this weekend workshop, learning a lot, it has helped me understand the value of being a true medium as that is my journey and then trance. I am just beginning to understand trust mediumship. I found that the trance part of the workshop a little big for me at the moment
Marie Claire
Trance Mediumship weekend Rockingham
It has opened a new and longer for learning. Never thought I could do this but workshop showed me how in simple steps
Marg Wesley
Trance Medium Workshop Rockingham
Opportunity to connect with spirit in a deep and meaningful way in a supported environment
Meeting like minded people. Self acceptance
Trance Mediumship workshop
I found it very interesting and informative about Trance and what I felt was amazing. I also enjoyed the practice on mediumship which was good with all the energy
Marg Fletcher
Trance Mediumship weekend workshop Rockingham
Excellent workshop. I have gained more confidence
Chris kendall
Trance Mediumship weekend
Trance felt like a deeper meditation More intense
Trance Mediumship
I got to learn to TRUST
Trance Workshop
A lot of confidence (spiritual) I HAD A BALL
Thank you so much Beverley for the Aura charkra Bio Reading that has really opened my eyes to shifting energy within areas in my life which have been blocking my progress.
Brilliant day yesterday at Krystal Light Centre learning about the benefits and how to use therapeutic clay, thank you Marg Parrot and Beverley Bryant
OMG what an inspiring and eye opening experience into the energies that I express within my aura. I can relate to most of it, some was a little confronting but gives me more understanding about what I need to work on to improve certain areas of my life. Thanks Bev, it’s giving me some more things to focus on to improve my health, body and mind.
Beverly Bryant!!!
Crystal light healing I think she is called?
Most accurate on absolutely everything! She didn’t know me and I texted her when booking with only my first name and on partners mobile to ensure she could Facebook stalk to get information hahaha I’m skeptical on all this. I never asked questions, never told her anything about me and she still was amazingly accurate!
She even lets you voice record the whole sitting
I can highly recommend a reading with Beverley Bryant. She is the real deal. Gave me confirmation on my future plans and goals. Very informative reading. Thank you
Tracey Coluzzi
Hey Broomies, Today I had the most amazing experience, thought I would share (eagerly). Two exceptional women have arrived into Broome for several days to come amongst the locals and meet in a very unique way at the Dream Float Centre. Earlier today, I met on my own with Beverley Bryant to have a private mediumship session which included and aura reading; inclusive of looking at how energy and my emotions were effecting each individual part of my body, spirit and mind. Right now, I am feeling really grateful and inspired by the discovery journey that Beverley took me through. I gained clarity to questions deep within and felt provoked to make some decisions that I have struggled with for a considerable amount of time. I did not need to prompt Beverley as she lead me through our session with unquestionable guidance and care. Make sure you come to see Beverley and Margaret whilst they are here, there is everything to gain and nothing to lose. I am really excited that Beverley and Margaret are here In Broome. Looking forward to them back next year.. Dee
Hi Bev and Margaret
My sister and I were at the Broome session on Saturday, such a lovely evening. I would like to attend one of your workshops when you come this way again
Thank you so much
I recently attended an evening in the psychic development course at Boodi and I found it very comfortable being in the workshop with others and for the one session I had it was awesome
Denise Capel
Bev is a wonderful teacher. She explains things in an easy to understand manner.
I always learn so much from your courses
Maria Fremantle
Ever since I experienced a drumming session I knew I had to make my own to give others the same beautiful experience I had.
The whole workshop was a very earthy but spiritual experience. Your heart and soul and energy are put into the making the drum and you truly connect with while making it
It is amazing how many native visions I now have.
Thank you Bev for you guidance and help to create something so wonderful
Kerryn Geraldton
Making a drum is something I have always wanted to do and then one of life’s opportunities came about
Thank you so very much for a truly magical day, and it is something that I have mad and that I will use- it wont be kept on a shelf, something else in my life that makes me feel just that bit more complete
Cheers with love and light
Sue Geraldton
I have gained knowledge about crystals and healing with crystals that is valuable to me in what I would like to do in the future
I also learnt how to programme crystals which is valuable information to me because although I have heard of programming before I was unsure how to go about it
With the knowledge I have gained today I am confident now in incorporating crystals in to my healing and everyday life
Jan Fremantle
I can now continue doing distant healing but in a more structures incorporating my Reiki techniques
Thanks Karma Capel
Thank you Beverley for a very informative crystal healing workshop. It was great to learn that it not need to be complicated and to use the energy within
Ann Fremantle
It has given me more tools to use from my healing journey learning about crystals
Of its simplicity, beauty and earthiness
Great reason to spoil myself and relax and grow in knowledge
Gina Fremantle
I can focus better knowing I am one level away from completing my masters
It has given me the knowledge and understanding of what Reiki is all about
Thanks Bev
Amelia Bunbury
Reiki has opened me up to more possibilities and healing and how to pass it on to the people in need of healing
I also feel that I have opened another door and to start using it
Loved it
Penny Capel
I always love to learn new ways of healing I have very much enjoyed using crystals and the different energies they use.
It was fun, educational day and the food was great. Loved it
Penny Capel
I will be able to combine this healing process with reiki healing. I found the crystal healing very relaxing and regenerating- both with receiving and giving one.
It was nice to work with the earths natural elements to heal and restore
Gem Bunbury
It was a wonderful day relaxing, felt energised at the of it
learnt a lot about the auric field and how it world the energies with the help of crystals
A. Bunbury
I learnt where to place crystals and a different type of healing
I love crystals and enjoyed doing the day
A.D. Bunbury
I found the healing to be very strong.
When I can see and feel results like this it encourages me to use my healing more often
I really enjoyed learning about the different crystals and how a pendulum works
I enjoyed the psychic development course held at Boodi Hands on experience, lots of information
Trish Busselton
The information easy of connecting with the group and longing for more would be nice to have twice weekly for the development course at Boodi
Thank you I really enjoyed the company and lessons
Marie Bunbury
Psychic development course at Boodi
enjoyed absolutely everything
absolutely wonderful very enriching
Glen Bunbury
The way I have tuned into my intuition things are making more sense. I enjoyed very much only took in what I needed for me
I would love to learn to meditate properly so I can connect with spirit and be able to ground myself and healing again myself and others
thank you Boodi and Beverley for holding this course
Bianca Bunbury
Relaxed informative and non judgemental received everything I needed and more
Matt Bunbury
Psychic course at Boodi
Beverley’s way of sharing, her knowledge easily understood
Telaine Bunbury
Psychic development
learning hands on was great
Holly Bunbury
Thanks Bev
wow fantastic reading – has Clayton and Rod all the way through this … this reading will give her a lot of comfort to know she is supported
You have a really great writing style – images come to mind as I read your words
Deb Derby
Thank you dear, I feel so good with you, and you make me happy, when you allow me to ask you sometimes. Thank you for the reading, you are true I have feelings that I am not connected well and are unwell at the moment
Leila Egypt
Aura Chakra workshop
Bev is a great teacher and easy to understand
Tym Bunbury
Aura Chakra workshop
I enjoyed the whole learning experience, this is all new for me
I thought this course was perfect
Ann Bunbury
Aura Chakra workshop
Interesting and informative
I received absolutely all the information I required
Marci Bunbury
Aura Chakra workshop
I loved everything about this course, doing our auras and seeing our auras in real time on the bio pulsar programme
I received so much information
Lahna Bunbury
Psychic Development Course at Boodi
I learned different ways of using my psychic abilities- lovely mentor
Ness Busselton
Psychic Development Course
I enjoyed meeting like minded people, learning exercises to improve my abilities
I received a lot of information from this course
Wendy Bunbury
Psychic Development Course
the different tool I learnt and knowledge Bev shared, plus being pushed out of my comfort zone
Thanks Bev love your work and cant wait to learn more from you
Chelle Bunbury
I enjoyed learning the flower reading in this course and it was excellent and I received lots of information to take away
Lahna Bunbury
Psychic Development course
Very interesting content in this course and useful information and a great group of people
Felt this course was very helpful for all levels of development
Lisa Bunbury